
Sunday, January 15, 2012

An improved algorithm for N-body simulations

TL;DR: A simple algorithm that speeds up force calculations for n-body systems by a factor of nearly 2.

So the last post on here was about graph balancing using a spring-electrical model, in which each node exerts a repulsion on each other node according to Coulomb's law, and each edge attracts adjacent nodes according to the spring equation.
This is a good example of an N-body problem - the most well-known one is that of planetary/gravitational systems - and one unfortunate thing about these is that modeling them can be quite slow.
Intuitively, the first algorithm that comes to mind is simply iterating through all the bodies, and for each one iterate through each other body and calculating the force they exert on each other. For n bodies (nodes), this results in (n-1)^2 for the whole system - (n-1) because the body does not exert a force on itself. This is of course is a growth rate of O(n^2), not very efficient.
But there's an easy improvement that can improve on this quite a bit making only minimal changes to the algorithm:
  • We start with the first body, and iterate through all the other body, calculating each force and adding it to the nodes net force
  • Since the forces between each two bodies will be equal and opposite, we now subtract this force (or add it negatively) from the other bodies' net forces, and then add a reference to the original body to a list (or in Qt a QSet, which is faster) that keeps track of all the bodies that have already been calculated
  • We go to the next body, and again iterate through all other bodies, except now we skip any bodies already in our list of calculated bodies. This results in one less calculation being performed with each body we iterate through
And that's about it. With each node, we have one less calculation to perform, so our total number of operations is now:
This is significantly better, in fact:
For very large systems, this algorithm approaches to be twice as fast.
I implemented this algorithm in our Wikipedia grapher, and it's working quite nicely. Here's one of the graphs I made with it today(554 nodes, zoomed out):

There are also n log(n) algorithms for these systems, but frankly I don't understand how they work well enough to write about or implement one yet, so I'll call it a night for now and get to those another time.

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